Online Training
Here’s how it works:
- We will receive a weekly hitting video that will include a step by step break down of drills done personally by Coach Skaggs and Coach Berset sent directly to you. You will get a new video EVERY WEEK from us detailing the finer points of hitting that you can work on at home.
- You can practice the drill on your time over and over to get better. You then send the video of your ballplayer doing the drill to us. Coach Chris and Coach John will then do a voice over video analysis via the app HUDL. This will allow us to point out ways to make your swing even better! We will then get it back to you within 24 hours.
- Imagine personal, professional and high octane coaching from your own home! In addition to your kids learning a lot, this will also help the parents to understand the finer points of hitting so they can help their young ball players get better.
This new training program is only $100 per month and starts immediately!
We hope to get back on the field real soon. In the meantime, take a look at the video below for a quick message from Coach Skaggs and Berset.
Take a look at some of our members today!